The anecdote before the work examples.


Curiosity set in around the age of 10 years old. My grandfather had a film camera in his house I was drawn to. It was broken and for display only, but I found myself a new toy. Whenever I visited, I would find that camera and pretend to snap photos of anything cool I could spot. After my grandfather passed, I begged my mom to recover that camera. It may have been some old junk nobody cared about, but to me, it was a way of remembering my grandfather and staying connected to those memories.

Seven years after his passing, having moved cross-country twice and still dreaming of that camera (which still hasn’t been found), I finally got one of my own.


Here are the views that take my breath away and inspire me to adjust the aperture so that I can share them with all of you.


Kara's Passions


Digital Photography